
Hi, I’m Lance.

I’m a second year Cybersecurity student at Flinders University.

I’ve always found computers interesting. I got my start with technology around 10 years ago, programming some PIC chips with a graphical program providing a thin layer on top of assembly. (PIC chips are a type of microcontroller, think of it as the smallest possible CPU that can still be programmed.)

My first robot was a Coin Sorter built from Lego and electronics when I was 11. It won first place in the Adelaide Show. Since then I’ve competed more in Australia, and competed in the International Seaperch Competition, placing 6th out of 200 teams from around the world.

I’ve been teaching robotics workshops for the past 6 years.

I really enjoy programming, too. My usual languages to work in are Python and C++. However, I am also comfortable with Java, C, PHP, and C#. Recently I’ve been branching out with Rust by solving Advent of Code challenges with it, and really enjoying it. I hope to add it to the list soon.

My immediate focus is writing more articles for this blog; I’ve got a lot of cool projects, like a bot that watches lectures for me, that I want to share.

My main goal is to graduate, and learn as much as I can along the way before entering the workforce full-time. I want to use this blog as a way to share what I’ve learned with others.